Emergency Closing & Inclement Weather Policy
The church may be closed for emergencies such as loss of utilities or weather. If weather conditions are expected to be hazardous to driving, the following guidelines will apply.
Two policies may apply to hazardous weather conditions: the Best Judgment policy and the Suspension policy, as defined below.
Suspension Policy
If bad weather is anticipated (such as snow or ice overnight), the Moderator and Senior Pastor will communicate to determine the course of action. They or if required each may make a determination to close the building or suspend service. If such a decision is made they shall insure that staff and church leadership is notified and the closing is posted on the church website. Each is empowered to initiate a process for sharing information, via televised news stations, social media, email and phone.
Best Judgment Policy
If bad weather occurs unexpectedly (such as ice storm or blizzard warnings) and without enough time for official action regarding suspension, the Best Judgment policy will be in effect. Members and visitors are asked to use their best judgment in terms of safety for driving to the church. If you have concerns about your safety (whatever the weather reports indicate), please do not drive.