Confirmation @ Pilgrim
Baptism is the sacrament through which we are initiated into Christs Church, the Church Universal. This consists of all Christian Churches.
When youth go through Confirmation in United Church of Christ, they become members of a specific church and denomination. In other words, when youth are confirmed they confirm their baptismal vows – the vows that either they made or the vows that were made on their behalf. The liturgy for Baptism and Confirmation in the United Church of Christ Book of Worship (1986) includes almost identical questions for the Order for Baptism and the Order for Confirmation.
When youth reach age thirteen (or eighth grade), they are invited to go through the confirmation process. The confirmation contains two parts here at Pilgrim Congregational Church.
First, over the course of approximately nine months, each youth will work one-on-one with a mentor: a seasoned member of the congregation. Using a curriculum designed by the UCC, mentor and confirmand explore the major tenets of the Christian faith together. They journey together through a dozen lessons.
The second part is a meeting that takes place monthly over the same months between the senior pastor and a larger group of confirmands (and, on occasion, the mentors). During the meetings, the group may have discussions about certain topics or go on field trips.
If you or your child is interested in being confirmed at Pilgrim Congregational United Church of Christ, feel free to contact our pastor at your convenience.