Worship is available on https://pilgrimalive.org/live-streaming.

Worship Service is held every Sunday at 10:00am.

Holy Communion is offered the first Sunday of each month. 

No matter who you are, no matter where you come from, no matter where you are on life’s journey. 

All are Welcome to Christ’s table at Pilgrim.

Worship forms, informs, and transforms all that we do and say as a covenantal community. Worship lies at the heart of our journey together. Our worship services, held every Sunday at 10:00 am, are “traditional” in nature. Some have claimed that they are even somewhat “high church,” as one would find in the Episcopal, Catholic, or Orthodox churches. This is true, in the sense that we take Scripture seriously (though not literally), have a deep reverence for the sacraments (we recognize two: baptism and Holy Communion), and strive for spiritual edification through prayer and praise. It is not true, in the sense that we do not do everything mechanically or by rote. There is a sense of spontaneity that pervades our worship. Our God is a living God. How could we not make room for the Holy Spirit in our worship!

A basic outline of our worship on a typical Sunday looks like this:

  • Organ Prelude
  • Welcome and Announcements
  • Responsive Call to Worship
  • Opening Hymn (we use The New Century Hymnal)
  • Unison Prayer of Confession
  • Words of Assurance
  • Praise Response
  • Passing of the Peace
  • Children’s Sermon or Mission Moment
  • Prayers of the People, Silent Prayers, Pastoral Prayer, Our Savior’s Prayer
  • Scripture Lessons (we use a variety of translations, although copies of the NRSV are available in our pews)
  • Adult Vocal or Handbell Choir Anthem
  • Sermon
  • Moment of Silent Reflection
  • Offering
  • Closing Hymn
  • Benediction
  • Organ Postlude

In terms of the sacraments, we believe that baptism is the way that one becomes incorporated into the body of Christ – the wider, Church Universal. Our clergy baptize infants, children, youth, and adults. All who want to enter into a relationship with us – or who want their children to be – are welcome. We reaffirm our baptism and celebrate our unity every time we share the bread and cup of the Eucharist. We celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of every month (during worship) and on the first Sunday of each liturgical season: such as Advent, Lent, and Pentecost. We use grape juice in lieu of wine at the table, so that those battling alcoholism (and young children) will not feel excluded. People of all ages come forward to receive Communion by Intinction (take a small piece of bread, dip in the cup, and partake at that time) or receive Communion in the Pews.

Our services are augmented by our adult vocal choir and the “ringers” who play our hand bells and chimes. On occasion, we also feature instrumentalists and soloists.

In sum, we try, through worship, to make the Christian faith practical – to connect faith with the questions that we all face.